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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let It Shine

Every Monday evening 35 - 40 beings descend on my home. We gather in hope, in truth, and in love to explore our humanness and our divinity. Our beloved facilitator is an 82 year old man, going through the process of cancer. A life long therapist, Bill lives out his dream of awakening others as he inches closer to his death.

Last night someone handed me a book called Anam Cara by John O’Donohue. Anam is translated as soul, and cara means friend. “The anam cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden intimacies of your life....When you had an anam cara, your friendship cut across convention and category.” And so it was that a 30 year old woman, mother, and seeker became the best of friends with a sweet, gentle, delightful old man. Unexpected is our connection, but as we explore our inner and outer worlds together we deepen in our understanding and embodiment of living Love in this world. My anam cara will leave his body soon and return to the Mystery that calls us all home. And while I know that there will be new relationships to experience, beauties to witness none will ever be just like this One.

Bill loves music. From old tunes that I have never heard, to music of devotion we have joined our voices hundreds of times. We always begin group with music that takes us inward, and throughout the night he interweaves music to bring closure to our work. Last night he played a song by Jana Stanfield, Let the Change Begin. We dance and move, and I witness his Joy. Bill lives his truth in form, through words, movement, and Presence.

So I have been blessed to see a Being alive with Love. Bill is a Truth Teller, he sees beyond our distortions and behavior, to the Truth of our Being, and he reminds us. To honor him and what he has brought to my life, I have only one choice. To rise up and give voice to that which longs for expression through me. We all have gifts to give. And as Bill says, this is the place, now is the time....let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are doing this. You are a talented writer and have a wonderful gift for reaching out to others. I love you! ~Lanie
